How to save money for travel + practical ways to save money for travel

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  1. Great tips! We’ve in the last time started to save more together, so each month we transfer a certain amount of money to a joint (travel) saving account. We also try to cut down on unnecessary stuff to buy, and we try to book flights when we come over a great deal. This year we spent one month in Australia, and we could travel there because we got a great deal on flight, and in May we’re going to Beijing. We had no plans of visiting China this year, but why not when you find cheap air tickets on sale?!

  2. All good tips! I really feel happy when I am planning a trip and luck out and find an excellent deal online. I then put the money I saved towards my next trip 🙂

  3. Great tips. I have done a couple of these, including cancelling the cable subscription. I purchased Roku boxes for each of my televisions. I don’t miss cable at all.

  4. My goal has been to take at least two legit vacations a year. One with the family and one with just the Husband. I’ll definitely try some of these tips.

  5. Seriously I have friends that can be traveling but they just have to spend money on excessive food outings each week (lunch everyday – going out to restaurants every week) splurge on drinks…and by the time the realize it they spent $400 just on food. That was a flight…honestly if you want to travel you will budget for it.

  6. Great tips! We have a savings account specifically for travel. I usually plan what trips we are going to make at the beginning of the year and we go from there!

  7. Cutting costs is a great way to save for a fab vacation. Brew your morning cup of joe at home! If you eliminate that daily cup of coffee at StarBucks thats $5 a day/$25 a week or a $100 a month. Save that for 6 months and off to Las Vegas or the Caribbean you can go!

  8. These are great ideas! My husband and I put money in our savings every month for travel and it really helps. We also utilize frequent flier miles to help cut airfare costs.

  9. I just had a conversation about travel logistics and finances for traveling with two small children. Now I am planning my first trip with a toddler and an infant. Wish me luck.

    1. It’s work, but definitely worth it. I started doing family trips with my sister and her kids and they STILL talk about our travels. All are domestic, but we’re thinking of going somewhere international next year or 2018. Good luck!

    1. Yes. I realized I didn’t watch so much TV so it was easy to get rid of it. Lol I’m a recovering shopaholic. I definitely learned to shop off season and during big sales.

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