Girls Vacation Ideas for your Travel Crew

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  1. I really like the cruise idea! I’ve done with my husband but never my girls. Definitely going to check that out.

  2. Love these ideas. My girls and I love to travel so I’m definitely referring back to this once we start planning our next get together.

  3. I love these ideas. Too bad I don’t have any damn friends that I can do any of these things with. I am dying to go wine tasting.

  4. I haven’t done a girls trip, as I prefer to travel alone or with my boyfriend, but if I was going to plan a girls trip this would is useful, because I don’t have a clue about such things! Safe travels.

  5. Wine tasting, what a great idea! I love road trips too but only just passed my test in October last year so first on the list is a cottage/beach holiday next week with my two best mates <3 Some good ideas on this list šŸ™‚

  6. I love road trips with my girls! We’ve taken a few this year. We actually went to Nola in April and we visited a lot of places in Girls Trip!

  7. I love a good road trip! One of my favorite vacations was a road trip through northern Michigan with two of my high school friends. It was the kind of trip where we could just pull off the road when we saw something interesting and take our time doing whatever interested us. I miss having time to do things like that now that we’re all grown/working/some of us married/

    1. That sounds great. It’s always good to plan one a few months in advance. I can’t do many random trips with a lot of girlfriends anymore either.

  8. A girls trip is something is only did once when I was 18 and I don’t have enough close girl mates to do one again haha ! But I have done a trip with just me and one girl friend which I prefer to a group. Nice blog though! That girls trip movie has only just come out in the UK I think. I should see it !

  9. I love wine tasting!! It’s so much fun, done a few with couples, or stagettes! Would love to try glamping!!

  10. YES to a spa weekend! I’ve done everything else with my girls but we haven’t tried a spa yet. Thank you for the suggestion!

  11. I’m a huge wine drinker and I love spending time with my girlfriends, this sounds like a perfect girls weekend weather it be a getaway or a bachelorette party šŸ™‚

  12. These were REALLY great ideas for bombing with the girls! I have to take a few of these tips and make sure my bestie and I do it!
    Thanks for sharing ā¤ļø
    AĆÆchatou Bella

  13. Interesting topic! Thanks for sharing! I don’t have a group of friends to plan trips or vacations with, but I do hope that one day I can experience a girls night out or a girls trip. I really want to see the movie but I doubt my BF would want to come lol! Thanks for the tips! ā¤ļø
    xx Mellie Michelle
    Beauty Blogger

  14. I didn’t want to see Girl’s Trip at first but I’m so glad I did because I laughed from start to finish. I love your ideas for trips with your girls, especially the ideas of spas and the winery. My idea of a perfect girl trip is somewhere on an island with plenty of drinks and good food and beaches for me to read on. My last girl trip was with 9 other people to Morocco And Portugal!

  15. I think its important to have girls time, and just relax and be free. Any trip can bendun with the right people My girls and i are.planning a weekend trip to vegas.

  16. I haven’t done the Girls trip with a crew only ever really two of us at a time. The wine tasting is a great idea. The movie was super funny too!

  17. I can see it now, the sequel to Girls trip…”Guys Trip”…haha
    I honestly prefer solo travel…but if I were going to take a trip with a group of fellas I’d probably want to do something active like hiking or mountain climbing.

    1. Guys Trip would definitely be an experience. I enjoy solo travel too. Nature trips are nice. I did a hike in Barcelona and it was a great experience.

  18. I was planning a 10 year reunion girls trip with women from my first international trip to Ghana. Unfortunately the plans fell through, maybe we will try again for next year. I haven’t been on a road trip in a while, that may be fun.

  19. my favorite girls trip is NYC. we have kids and it’s an easy weekend trip location that we’ve done several times over the years. this year we will hit up Miami in the fall šŸ™‚

  20. I love these ideas! I’ve been wanting to do some girls’ trips and of course, they’re on the rise now as they should be! Think I’ll start making some plans šŸ™‚

  21. I definitely want to go on a spa vacation. We always end up doing a party vacation. Time to branch out. Great ideas!

  22. Our Vegas trip for my 30th was epic and I’ve done Essence Fest with my girls! Girls trips are great with the right group ood people!

  23. I’ve actually done all of these with my homies except a wine tasting. You just gave me a great idea!

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