Wine Tasting on the Seneca Lake Wine Trail
Looking for wineries to visit on the Seneca Lake Wine Trail? Here’s a list of some of the best Seneca Lake Wineries in the Finger Lakes of NY
Tips and guides for travel to North America
Looking for wineries to visit on the Seneca Lake Wine Trail? Here’s a list of some of the best Seneca Lake Wineries in the Finger Lakes of NY
Looking for a full luxury experience in lower Manhattan? Full recap and video test driving cars at the Lincoln Summer House NYC pop-up.
Visiting the Rose Wine Mansion in NYC? Here are some tips and what to expect when visiting the Rose Wine Mansion NYC pop-up exhibit.
Planning a trip to Central New York? Here are some fun things to do in Central New York for families, singles, and couples for the Spring.
Another year is coming to an end and I’m sharing a roundup of another great year of travel. Taking advantage…
I hate the winter, but there’s nothing like spending Christmas in NYC. A popular attraction around this time of year…
Since spending the Summer home, I’ve found some free and low-cost activities around the city; one of them being free…
If you’ve been following me on Instagram and Snapchat, you saw I went on a solo trip to Cancun last…
My family rented another villa in the Kissimmee, Florida area for our annual vacation. We visited Disney and Legoland again, but I wanted to…
Looking for a hotel to stay in Downtown Brooklyn? Here’s a full review of the Sheraton Downtown Brooklyn and spring wedding recap.