How To Get Photos of Yourself When Traveling Solo

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  1. Ahh, so that’s how you choose who to ask for in taking your photo when travelling! I’ll make sure to be more discerning on our next trip. Thanks for sharing your tips!

  2. This is excellent advice and your pictures came out great. The timer is also great for when you want to be in a group picture. Thank you for the advice on the selfie stick and not feeling awkward about the stares.”
    keep traveling.

  3. When I was preparing for my trip to Africa this is one of the subjects I researched the most. I definitely found some extra tips in this blog and will be bookmarking it to refer back to for future travels. Thanks so much for these tips.

  4. All great tips! I stopped using a selfie stick as I just did not want that extra equipment with me. I always said my husband and his long arms were the original selfie stick because he can get a great shot with them alone. Lol

  5. I’m too nervous to ask people to take my pic because I’ve had random people take awful pictures. But your tips really make me consider it.

  6. I’m all about taking my own photos. When I travel, I make a point to bring my tripod. Even when I travel with some friends. I’m very particular about my pictures, so it’s easier for me to take my own pics.
    This is a great article!!!!

  7. Girl thank YOU! I need this not only for traveling but also for fashion shoots too. I need to practice with my tripod and self timer. Thanks! Pinning this

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