How to Travel with a Full-time job + how to travel while working full time + how to travel with a full-time job

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  1. Great advice. I agree. Planning is key for using your time in the best way but also email alerts for price deals. I love to travel whenever I can!

  2. Great list for people who still work a full time office job. I will be honest I am traveling so much this year even with this year it wouldn’t be possible for me to travel like this with a full-time job so I will never get a corporate job again. I love my freedom too much everyone should have the right to travel multiple times a year…

  3. Your tips are spot on. When I worked full time, I travels 3-4 times per year. I stuck to long weekend and around holidays so that my vacation time would stretch and I could enjoy a few recharge vacations.

  4. Yes, honey, all of these! Flexibility is key. And taking advantage of paid holidays so you don’t lose a day. I am trying to figure out Labor Day now!

  5. I certainly vacation several times a year. This year alone I’ve been to Ski Resort, Miami, Atlanta and New York. I’m headed to SC & VA Beach shortly. A great way to vacation is rolling the weekend and holidays into your travel. This requires less days off.
    Great meeting you in NYC this weekend.

  6. This is definitely something I struggle with. Trying to find time to travel while having a full time job. I agree with everything you said, planning ahead and possibly telecommunicating are great suggestions!

  7. I love those spontaneous vacations but the planned ones are great as well. Taking advantage of vacation days, or more, not taking advantage of them, is a real waste.

    1. What I love about city guides is you can follow the itineraries they list or create your own based on the cost, area etc. it also lists the top rated restaurants. He was! Lol

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